Tiger I Videos

Click the links to view various Tiger videos.

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Tiger Video Tiger Video
Tigers demonstrated for officers - 2:34
This clip shows scenes of early Tigers being demonstrated for officers and other officals intermixed with scenes of the Tiger in service.
Tigers In action - 5:14
This movie begins with footage of the Tiger factory and continues with very good combat shots.
Tiger Video Tiger Video
Driving a Tiger I - 4:10
Fascinating footage courtesy of the Bovington Tank Museum showing the view from the drivers position inside the Tiger during a test run in February 2007.
Panzer Mechanics - 1:24
Short clip showing panzer mechanics performing various maintenance duties including turret removal, welding and painting.
Tiger Video Tiger Video
Documentary on Tiger strengths - 4:32
Excerpt from Military Channel show on Top Ten Tanks of all time. It refers to the Tiger as the most feared tank of all time.
Tiger tank playing soccer - 1:08
Funny video showing an interesting new soccer player.
Tiger Video Tiger Video
Tiger at Tankfest 2006 Scene 1 - 0:43
Footage shot by Vince Abbott at the Bovington Tankfest in 2006. The Tiger's motor is running smoothly in this movie and shows what the
Tiger would have sounded like during the war.
Tiger at Tankfest 2006 Scene 2 - 0:32
A second film courtesy of Vince Abbott showing what many hated to see during the war....a Tiger coming straight at you.
Tiger Video Tiger Video
Tiger at Tankfest 2006 Scene 3 - 0:38
The final clip from Vince Abbott showing the restored Tiger. Note how smoothly the massive tank turns.
Kriegsberichters filming Tigers firing - 2:32
Interesting video showing German war correspondents filming the Tiger firing it's main gun.