Late Production Tigers
Late Tiger I's are most easily identified by their steel roadwheels....

The steel roadwheels found on late Tigers can be clearly seen here. Interestingly this vehicle
from s.Pz.Abt. 505 is carrying a large log on the hull side, used for traversing muddy areas.

This artwork shows the steel roadwheels as well as the monocular sight (single
hole to the right of the main gun barrel). It also shows the notched hull extensions
on the front where the tow cables attach. These were notched beginning in January 1944.

Period photo showing a late production vehicle missing it's track guards.

Lurking behind the Schwimmwagen, this Tiger shows the
monocular gun sight introduced in March of '44.

Another period photo of a late Tiger camoflaged with foliage.
It also appears to be carrying a fuel drum on the rear deck.

This late model, with weapons covers in place, is missing it's track guards.

Sheltered by the woods, the crew relaxes next to their vehicle.