Tiger I Photo Gallery Page 6

Tiger 312 of s.Pz.Abt.502 is resupplied with 88mm ammunition.

The same Tiger from the drivers side.

Rear view of Tiger 312.

312 in profile. Note the spent shell casing in the foreground.

A front view of Tiger 312 on the move.

Troops pile onto the deck of this early model Tiger.

The turret of Tiger 113 is lifted by the Werkstatte company's mobile crane.

The Tigers dwarf the Kubelwagen's at this rail station.

Very early model machines loaded on railcars for transport. This is an
unusual photo because the Tigers are still wearing the wide combat tracks.
Also notice the sunshade welded over the main gun sight on the first vehicle.

A closeup view of the rolled up combat tracks. With weapons
covers in place, this Tiger is ready for transport.

Another railcar photo. Note the outer roadwheels stacked at the rear after removal for transport.

Crossing a bridge is often dangerous for the weighty Tiger, but even more so in the ice and snow.

A view from the top of Tiger 411.

A disabled Tiger is towed by two prime movers.

The Tiger next to a halftrack mounted Flakvierling.

These whitewashed Tigers carry logs on the hull in case they get stuck in the difficult terrain.