Tiger I Photo Gallery Page 4

A Tiger has become stuck in the mud and snow.

Crewman work to attach tow cables to free the above tank.

SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Kling shows the Tiger to Generaloberst Guderian for inspection.
Guderian visited the Leibstandarte's Tiger Company in Kharkov in April 1943.

The cupola mount for the anti-aircraft MG can be seen on this Zimmerit-covered tank.

A vehicle with whitewash carefully applied around the numbers and Balkenkreuz.

Out of uniform crewman cool off outside their Tiger.

An early model with barbed wire strung on the hull sides to prevent
infantry from mounting the vehicle.

Well-spaced Tigers proceed up a winding road.

Steel helmets, logs and a ladder hang in the sun on this tank.

The crew looks down on the local Mediterranean population.

Muzzle brake covers show these parked Tigers are not expecting combat.

Another view of the same scene.

A whitewashed column seen from the Tiger commanders viewpoint.
Note the fuel drums on each vehicle.

Tiger I of 13. Kompanie Panzer Regiment Großdeutschland, Kharkov, winter 1943.

The front armor shield on the Versuchsserie Tiger Nr. 'V1' prototype could be
lowered to protect the tracks. This feature did not make it to production.

An early model parked in front of a factory.

Tiger 332 carefully trying to make it's way out of the mud.