Tiger I Photo Gallery Page 2

Crewman work on their snow-covered machine.

Commanders Will Fey, Paul Egger and Ernst Glagow
of schwere SS Pz.Abt. 502 strike a pose in front of a
Zimmerit covered late model. Note the vision blocks
on the open hatches.

Riding with the hatches open on a mud-caked early model.

A column of Leibstandarte Tigers pauses on a road march.

Color shot of the Tiger belonging to the Aberdeen Proving Ground museum.

Gunner trainees practicing with turrets mounted on concrete bases at
the Panzertruppen range at Putlos. Putlos is located by the Baltic Sea
in the northern part of Germany near Lubeck.

An officer gives a speech atop Tiger 812, nicknamed "Tiki".

Different angle of the same scene.

A front view of Tiki.

Tiki is put through manuevers.

Whitewashed Tigers on the march.

Crewman work to replace the track on this battle worn
early model, which is missing it's side track guards.

In preparation for installation, the tracks are laid out in front of this machine.

The crew watches as weary grenadiers trudge past.

Tiger 142 of s.Pz.Abt.501 in Tunisia.

Another Tiger of s.Pz.Abt.501 in North Africa.

Early model Tiger 112 on a road march.